Research & Cultural CollectionsResearch and Cultural Collections - Image and Reproduction Request PaymentsDescriptionWelcome to the Research and Cultural Collections image and reproduction request payment page.
If you have an image request, or for any enquiries related to an existing request, please contact the Research and Cultural Collections team at You will be asked to complete an Image Request Form and provided with a quote for your requirements. If you would like to arrange payment based on an existing quote, please enter the amount agreed in the box below before clicking "add to basket". Once your payment has been received the image will be shared with you by email via We Transfer. Full details of credit line and any copyright requirements will be included in your email quote but please note again that all images are ©Research and Cultural Collections, University of Birmingham unless otherwise stated. Any additional copyright clearance required is the responsibility of the requester. Tours and TalksDescriptionPlease enter the amount you have been quoted for Tours and Talks before clicking "add to basket". In case of any queries, please contact Sue Franklin: Copyright |