CPD CoursesCPD CoursesImproving Clinical Trial Delivery: Investigator Site Staff 2025DescriptionThis 2-day programme will focus on the management of trials from the perspective of the Principal Investigator and the site delivery team.
Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data (IPD)DescriptionThis three-day online statistical course provides a detailed foundation of the methods and principles for meta-analysis when IPD (Individual Participant Data) are availble from multiple related studies.
Introduction to Randomised Controlled Trials in Healthcare - Face to Face 2025DescriptionThis 3-day Face - to - face course in research methods for clinical trials organised by the Birmingham Centre for Clinical Trials (BCCT) provides an overview of the research process from idea and design to analysis and publication. This programme will be designed to combine the theoretical aspects of trial design and delivery with opportunities to apply knowledge to practice.
Physics - FRCR Part 1 (Clinical Oncology CO1) - CPD Course (Non-credit bearing)DescriptionThis course is targeted towards Clinical Oncology Registrars working towards passing the Physics module of the FRCR Oncology Part 1. It can also be used by trainee Consultant Therapeutic Radiographers and other staff groups (within Clinical Oncology specialty) who may have an interest. The key learning outcomes are to gain an understanding of:
Non Credit - PG MC Allergy FTDescriptionAllergy (May) Non Credit Version Teaching Dates - 8th - 9th May 2025 https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/postgraduate/courses/short-courses/mds/allergy
Non Credit - PG MC Int to Lead & Man Hea FTDescriptionIntroduction to Leadership and Management for Health (April) Non Credit Version Teaching dates - 7th - 11th April 2025
Non Credit - PG MC Qualitative Res Meth FTDescriptionQualitative Research Methods (Jan & June) Non Credit Version Teaching Dates - 27th - 31st January 2025 OR 9th - 13th June 2025
Non Credit - PG MC Perioper Man of Oncol FTDescriptionPerioperative management of oncology patients undergoing surgery (June) Non Credit Version Teaching Dates - 9th - 12th June 2025
Non Credit - PG MC Cancer Therapy FTDescriptionCancer Therapy (April - May) Non Credit Version Teaching dates - 28th April - 2nd May 2025
Non Credit - PG MC Palliat Care & Cancer FTDescriptionPalliative care and Cancer Patients (May) Non Credit Version Teaching dates - 12th - 16th May 2025
Non Credit - PG MC Des & Del Fur Clin Tr FTDescriptionDesign and Delivery of Further Clinical Trials (April - May) Non Credit Version Teaching dares - 28th April - 2nd May 2025
Non Credit - PG MC First Contact FTDescriptionFirst Contact (May - June) Non Credit Version Teaching dates - 6th - 7th, 20th - 21st May, 24th - 25th June https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/postgraduate/courses/short-courses/mds/first-contact
Paying via Invoice OptionDescriptionPlease use this link to provide us with your details so that we can generate you an invoice. Please also send a copy of the purchase order (pdf format) to mdscpdenquiries@contacts.bham.ac.uk
Foundations in Cluster Randomised TrialsDescriptionThis short 3-day or 5-day on-line course will provide training in the design, conduct and analysis of cluster randomized trials (CRTs) and stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials (SW-CRTs). Delivered by faculty of the University of Birmingham including Karla Hemming, Sam Watson and James Martin. With guest speaker Anges Caille (INSERM, France) who will give an overview of the bias issues raised by cluster randomised trials.
Introduction to Social Marketing for Public Health - UKDescriptionThis CPD course introduces social marketing as a framework for developing behaviour and social change programmes applied to public health issues. It is aligned with UoB’s “Education for sustainable futures” strategic pillar, as social marketing is deeply rooted in equity, social justice, ethics, and sustainability principles. Live online meetings on the 5th, 12th, and 19th of May (UK PM).
Birmingham Adrenal Tumour MasterclassDescriptionThis educational event covers an unmet need on dedicated courses on adrenal tumours in endocrinology (this year, it will cover adrenocortical carcinoma). The attendees will gain knowledge on these topics and on the relevant research findings of those delivering the course.
Basic Semen Analysis Course 2025DescriptionThe aim of the course is to improve the standards of basic human-semen analysis. It is an international course which has run for over two decades. The course is designed to ensure correct foundation knowledge and skills for achieving accurate semen analysis according to the latest WHO manual and ISO 23162:2021. The Course content was initially drafted and has been updated by an International team including our local team, Dr Lars Bjorndahl and Dr David Mortimer amongst others. Local Teaching Team: Dr Meurig Gallagher, and Professor Jackson Kirkman-Brown
Pain and Research Conference 2025DescriptionThis is a one-day course allowing the opportunity for pain experts to share learning, experience and latest research and evidence. Open to students, Allied health professionals and acute and chronic pain professionals in continuous professional development. An exciting one-day event with interesting topics, a rare opportunity of professionals under one roof, exploring key learning topics. A great networking opportunity, supporting a trainee-led event to both inspire future generation pain specialists and collaboration of experienced health professionals currently working in the challenging NHS.