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Proof of Registration Letter for External Students and Students on a Leave of Absence (for Current Students Only)

Proof of Registration Letter for External Students and Students on a Leave of Absence (for Current Students Only)


If you need a general proof of registration letter confirming your Leave of Absence or External student status, please order this product.

Please Note:
If you require any non-standard information in your letter or you are PGR in the thesis examination stage, we will be unable to produce an automated letter for you and we will therefore need to produce a bespoke letter which can take up to ten working days to produce.

If you select the DHL option, £30 will be added to the price when you add the item to your basket.

This letter will be addressed 'To Whom it May Concern' (unless you specify otherwise) and will include:

Full name
Student ID number
JACS code (Joint Academic Coding System)
Programme of study
Full or part-time attendance
Start date and (expected) completion date

You also have the option to include your home and term time addresses, and/or some tuition fee details.

Please note that this letter can be used to support a Schenghen visa application.

We aim to produce your letter within five working days. Please note that at busy times, for example the start of the academic year in September/October, your order may take longer to prepare.

Please ensure that you only place an order for your own proof of registration letter. If you place an order for documents relating to another student, we won't be able to fulfil the order.

During the ordering process, you will have the opportunity to specify some of the details you require on the letter.


If you have any queries please contact the Taught Student Administration team:
Telephone: 0121 414 6790
Student Help Webpage:

2nd Class / Airmail